There comes a time when you realize that the home you either just bought or have lived in and put up with for years isn't functioning for you. Aside from outdated appliances and finishes, the main complaint I hear from home owners is that they can't figure out where to place furniture. There can be many reasons for this, but these are some of the most common ones.
Everyone's home is unique, of course, so the following tips are general guidelines designed to help you think of solutions you may not have already thought of. I'll be focusing on living rooms to keep this blog post at a comfortable reading length! Drop a comment on this post if you have an awkward layout related to another room type. Many homes have fireplaces on an angle so let's use that as an example along with 2 other walls that have obstructions to placing furniture directly in front of them.
Tips for furniture arranging:
Placing furniture can be a challenge, but trying out different arrangements is the least expensive decorating you can do. Enlist some helpers so you don't hurt yourself in the process. Live with the new arrangement for a while before you give up on it. It may prove to be more functional than you think. Dawn Hearn Interior Design - picture on the left
Meet Your DesignerI, Brenda Szarek, am the founder of Autumn Light Interiors. I have immersed myself in home design and problem solving for years and have creative solutions for all kinds of interior design dilemmas. I hope you enjoy my tips, tricks, trends, and inspiration to help you find your way to a well-designed, comfortable, and functional home you can be excited to live in and welcome others within. Archives
December 2024